Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Past 32 Days...

WOW..............What an incredible and exhausting thirty-two days. I was sitting in my apartment watching "House" last night when I got to thinking about everything I had experienced so far. On January 19th, I packed all my belongings in a U-Haul trailer, said good bye to a great deal of amazing people and drove east to seek my fortunes in North Carolina. After two days and several empty Mt. Dew bottles later, I pulled into Huntersville, N.C. and started moving into a new apartment. Two days later, I went in and began work in a field I had little to no experience in. Two weeks ago, I took off for 14 action packed days in Florida. I don't know whether it was the mileage, the lack of sleep or sheer nerves but by the time we rolled back into North Carolina on Sunday night, I was more tired than I had ever been in my life. Despite my lack of energy, I still had a huge smile on my face. I get to do what I love and that's be in the motorsports industry. While in Florida, I handled PR, shot videos, worked on websites and got to do some announcing. I met some great people who really showed me the ropes and have began to teach me how to succeed in this business.

I was able to take a little bit of time yesterday and get my bearings straight once again before I take off for Mississippi and Texas this weekend and VEGAS next week. Life on the road never stops I see. That being said, I have learned a few tips already:

  1. Cell phone chargers are among your best friends while on the go.
  2. Ordering pizza late at night not only takes care of dinner, but usually breakfast the next morning.
  3. Remember to remove all ink pens from pants pockets before washing to avoid the "simulated tye dye" effect.
  4. A elevator full of drunks is not a great place to be in at 3 am with only your swimming trunks on.
I also learned that in Florida, you can have sunshine, tundra like cold and tornadoes within a 15 mile radius of a race track at the same time!

With Florida in the rear view mirror, I'm looking to getting back out on the road and proving myself. We started doing more videos and podcasts so keep your eyes peeled for those. Also, make sure that you tell the people in your life how much they mean to you.

This was delivered to my apartment while I was gone. It contains 5 pounds of Twizzlers (my favorite candy) from my girlfriend Maegan. She's really sweet and puts up with me so she is a pretty special (and insane) person. And, in case you are wondering, YES she did get flowers on Valentines Day from me. The sad thing is, I screw up so much that the florist keeps a punch card with my name on it near his register. I believe I'm only 1 or 2 screw ups away from a free bouquet!

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